
Event Highlights

Event Highlights

No matter whether it is about music, culture or sports. There is always something going on and our program of events offers something for everybody. Enjoy joining in physical activity, experience and discovery.

Concerts of the music bands

Folk theater

Traditional festivities in the forest

kurkonzerte bauerntheater waldfeste
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Tratzt und verratzt C Theaterer Oberau

Folk theater | 24.03. | 31.03. | 05.04. | 06.04. | 13.04. | 14.04. | 19.04. | 20.04.2024

Performance of the"Theatergruppe Eschenlohe"
"Ein Engel namens Blasius"

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Tratzt und verratzt C Theaterer Oberau

Folk theater | Dates will be announced soon

Performance of the"Theatergruppe Oberau"

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"Waldfeste" (Local festivals) | May, June, July and August 2024

Waldfestbühne | Kuhfluchtwäldchen in Farchant
Waldfestbühne | Trachtenvereinsheim in Oberau
Waldfestbühne I Trachtenheim in Eschenlohe

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"Richard Strauss Tage" | 01.06. - 11.06. 2024

in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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"Weiße Nacht" | 13.07.2024

Summer night street festival in the center of Garmisch

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Regional Festival "Festwoche Garmisch" | 27.07. - 04.08.2024

Wittelsbacher Park

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AlpenTestival | 01.08. - 04.08.2024

in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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Regional Festival "Festwoche Partenkirchen" | 10.08 - 19.08.2024

Schützenhaus Partenkirchen

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Maria Himmelfahrt "Kräuterweihe" (Festive service with blessing of herbs ceremony) | 15 August 2024

Catholic Church St. Andreas Farchant
Catholic Church St. Ludwig Oberau
Catholic Church St. Clemens

neujahrsskispringen New Years Ski Jump | 31 December 2024 + 01 January 2025

Ski Jump Tournament belonging to the Vierschanzentournee at the Olympia Skistadion Garmisch.

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Traditional "Hornschlittenrennen" | 06 January 2025

Exciting race and wintry fun on the slopes

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